George Pirie

M, #9671, b. 26 October 1902
     George Pirie was born on 26 October 1902 at 94 Portknockie, Banffshire, Scotland.1,2 He was the son of James Pirie and Jane Robertson. His family was known by the tee-name of "Priest".


  1. [S9075] George Pirie, Register of Births in the District of Seafield in the County of Banff, "George Pirie, 1902, October Twenty Sixth 2h 10m A.M. at 94 Portknockie, Seafield (Rathven), Male. Father: James Pirie, Fisherman. Mother: Jeannie Pirie M. S. Robertson, married 1897 September 22nd in Macduff. Informant: James Pirie, Father. Registered: 1902, November 11th at Seafield Manse, James McIntyre, Registrar."
  2. [S772] Robert Mair, Neil Pirie, Information kindly supplied by Robert Mair of Durham, England.